Monday, July 2, 2007

Me and my bigg Mouth!! Part-1

Well this is my second post here. I bet you were eagerly waiting for it! (ha ha). I was hoping I didn’t make a fool of myself and humiliate myself, as I very often do. Oh yeah! I have those ‘foot in mouth moments’ all the time! (Its so often…I’d rather call it feet in mouth!). People think I have a good sense of humor or a good ‘comic timing’. Little do they know most of these ‘masterpieces’ happen by accident mostly due to my ‘remarkable (extraordinary, outstanding noteworthy)’ hearing abilities (the results are quite entertaining!).
About a year ago, just after I had passed my 12th grade(miracles happen!), I had gone to Pune for an entrance exam with my elder cousin sister, who was supposed to give an exam too. After my exam was over we ate and roamed around the streets of Pune, sweating like hell. My cousin had a brainwave and she called up one of her dad’s friends, who lived nearby, to ask if we could drop in for a while. She said she knew this aunty and uncle since a long time and they used to be their neighbors in Delhi before they came to Pune. I gratefully trudged along. Getting out of the sun was on top of my priority list. We arrived at a huge bungalow, in the army’s residential area, with a beautiful manicured garden. Auntyji was on the gate waiting for us. I'm pretty sure I was sun stroked as I was feeling a bit woozy. My cousin introduced me to her, and I gave her a big smile, (which was more like showing off my teeth to a dentist!I normally do that when I don’t have anything to say, my friends can give testimony to that! I personally think its kind of stupid-just smiling away when someone’s talking to you! Sheeeesh! ) . Auntyji did not pay attention to my overwhelming smile and ushered us inside. My cousin though, gave me an ‘Are you okay?’ kind of look behind her back. I nodded in reply and followed her in.

We entered into a huge sitting room, a huge sitting room…with a fan…out of the sun…and comfy sofas…with a table on which were resting two glasses of chilled sherbet. Heaven!! I sipped my sherbet in silence as my cousin and auntyji started chatting. I was marveling the interiors of the house when I heard, “So betaa, What are your parents doing?”. “She’s talking to you” hissed my cousin. Now, because of my wooziness and because I was not paying attention to their talk, (if any of my teachers read this their reaction-“What’s new?? When was the last time Devyani has paid attention to anyone talking?” .True. He He He), I heard ‘friends’ instead of ‘parents’. Major Ooops! I was actually puzzled. Why would she be asking about my friends? But then I dropped the idea of asking her to repeat her question, I answered -(.I’ll give you a dialogue.I like writing dialogues! Its fun and addictive! Cant help it!)
ME: “Well Auntyji, they are running around for their admissions like me.”

AUNTYJI(Clearly baffled): “Huh?”

ME: (Clueless on her baffle-ness) “Yeah, Auntyji most of them haven’t scored well, You know.”

AUNTYJI: “Your p…”

Ive gotta learn to keep my moth shut…I didn’t let her finish. I went on…AAaaahhh!!

ME: “They are tying for engineering or medical, however I'm not interested in any of the two…”


ME: “…We have loads of arguments on this topic” ( I went on uninterrupted)

MY COUSIN: (With a flabbergasted expression on her face) “She’s talking about your mum and dad-your parents!!!”

ME: “I….Oh….” (Smiling sheepishly…surprise surprise!) “I thought you said friends...I...ummm...erm”

Auntyji was still looking at me as I had completely lost it. I continued to sip on my sherbet which was boiling hot now…may be because of the heat of embarrassment I was exuding. My cousin kindly reminds me of this day every time she comes to visit.
Well…cant help it! Life’s like that! It pushes ya in the mud and then pulls ya up and laugh right back at you. They key is to get back up and laugh with it! And laugh louder if possible. (Actually…that’s what friends do…but I had nothing else to describe it... but you get my point….i hope....heheh)
Well I have another very embarrassing anecdote to share with you people. That one takes the cake…I swear! And for that you’ll have to wait until my next post…next week! [I bet you can’t wait! ;o)]

See ya!!!

{Typical….rite??? I think so too…..}

1 comment:

Analyze and Change said...


hope this explains my condition after i read this....

consider the above as a humble gift to you to help you in you attempts to outlaugh life....i ll always be there to help you in that....i am notorous for my loud and rather irritating laughter.....I am sure life would think twice the next time it plans to throw you in mud....

Great BLog.....

I think you have a new member in your fan club....
