Monday, July 2, 2007

First goes!


My first thought here...."What am i supposed to write"?. Seriously...there isnt anything in my life people would actually take pains to know about. I’m like every other teenage girl. Well...except im nt too girly...i dnt shriek when i break a nail (tht is a topic i will stay away frm), i dnt put on make up (eww!), I dnt own a pair of high heels ( Ouch!), i repeat my dresses so often that people can actually predict what im wearing the next day...nt because i dnt own many dresses (boy! you shuld take a look at my wardrobe!) i just feel appearance doesn't count a lot in everyday life! Fourtunately or UNfortunately...people dont think the same way i do...! Sheeeesh !
(This is one of the many 'phrases' i use to show my discontent/irritation/helplessness/sumtimes used to fill in empty space! Note:Emotional meaning of Sheeeesh © changes according to my mood...pls keep track...heheh)
So...where was i?? oh yeah...
We all differ in opinion. Some of you may like my attitude, some of you may not...some of you may like my blog...(you do!!?Yay!) some(most...? )of you may not. This difference in opinion brings about the most interesting situations in life! A steaming mug of chicken noodle soup reminds me of one such incident...

'Chicken soup for the soul' and its other series are few of my favorite books. I was reading 'Chicken soup for the teenage soup III' when my grandfather (a staunch vegetarian) walked in...

Granpa: (flinches) :"Chicken soup....?"

Me:( hardly looking up):"...umm the teenage soul III"

Grandpa: "Why chicken soup?"

(to my annoyance, he sits down...this is gonna be one long conversation...i think)
Me:(still not looking up) I dnt knw baba!(thts wat i call him)".

Grandpa: (Smiling gently ,knowing that he has brought up an interesting topic to irritate his grand-daughter-my gran'pa is a retired lawyer...) "You are reading that should know why its titled it that way!".

Me:(sighing...looking up): "Chicken supposed to be a quick, home-made meal or remedy given to sick people...( i knew i wasnt making any sense....i quickly added....) u knw for sore throats, fever...etc etc...This however(pointing at the book) is supposed to be a remedy for a sore soul..."(i finished quite lamely, but quite impressed with myself)

Grandpa: "Really? I dont eat chicken...tomato soup or for that matter even daal ka paani (An indian name for the leftover water, while cooking pulses-If translated it literally means-‘pulse water’. its supposed to be very nutritious and very healthy…Dunno wat its called else where…) works for me. Why is it titled 'Chicken soup'!?"

Me:(sniggering) “Yah, right! ‘Daal ka paani for the soul....' Catchy…”

Grandpa: “What is it about?”

Me: (Replying after a deep thought….) “Well…it’s a compilation of true stories of what people go through so that maybe they can help the reader in some way or the other…just like chicken soup helps the body”

Grandpa: (un-convinced) “ So…has it helped you?”

[Ohkay…he got me here…I love reading peoples experiences, but ive never used them for my benefit…not because I didn’t want to, but because I never think about such things-there isn’t much time to think who-did-what-in-what kind-of-situation]

Me: (Thinking fast…) “Well…it kind of inspires me to think of the unthinkable…”

Grandpa: (cutting me off)”Really….and what unthinkable have you thought of lately??”(laughing at his own joke)…

Me: “Will you let me finish? I mean these people have gone through a lot…be it parent’s divorce or death of a loved one or cancer…they still believe in living for the present. People have undergone depression, anorexia, confidence related problems and they have written about how they’ve overcome it…It gives a reason why a person should...should.... ‘Live-strong’…(i addaed quickly with half a glance to the yellow band on my wrist)”

Grandpa: “Live-strong…eh?”

Me: “Mmmm hmmm…”(Sighing with relief)

[After ten minutes of silence”]

Grandpa: “I still dnt knw where ‘Chicken Soup’ comes to play….Its still tomato for me!”

Me: “BABA.....”


1 comment:

Analyze and Change said...

Hey...wassup girl....

great blog

I already told you that
