Monday, October 15, 2007

Here and there...

Everything was so much better when we were kids. Seriously. And I know you will agree. I never remember being much of a kid actually. I was always the "big girl".(in age...and size The person who rarely made mistakes...and is expected not to make any, the epitome of poise and the one who sets an example for their younger sibling...( whoever has met my sibling, will figure out tht either she hasn't learnt anything from me or I haven't taught her anything.The latter being completely untrue...)
remember first meeting my Grandma at the age of 5, right after we landed in India after spending 4 years in Australia. Since then I was told about the responsibilities of a "big girl". "Minnie you are 5 years old...a big shouldn't behave this way", "A 6 year old big girl does not talk on the dining table so loudly".This went on..7,8,9,10.....19.
Even with all this big girl talk, I stole quite a few moments of childishness, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. Like for instance (this is totally disgusting) having burping contests with my sister (She ALWAYS won!) , digging up my uncle's entire vegetable garden...even uprooting his prized tomato plants, breaking my grandpa's camera by "accident"( I was just curious!!) and Oh yeah...this is fun...always being the one to blow out the candles off a birthday cake...irrespective of whose birthday it was...even my neighbours' !
But in all the process of growing up, I kind of "grew out" of these habits and I kind of miss them too!! Seriously...tell me...don't you ever feel like scooping up a huge bunch of icing off a cake when placed before you,( before its cut)...and just eating it off your finger!? Don't you miss that weird sound that comes out when you stand too close a cooler/ fan and speak in it? Or Making drums out of buckets and vessels and plates and give the performance of your life? Or try licking off that irritating drop of ice-cream or milkshake off your nose with your tongue in public? Ahh...!! Childhood! Innocence...and how I miss it!
We live in a society, which expects us to "behave ourselves", laugh softly in public, talk softly on the phone, keep our elbows off the dining table at dinner, follow etiquette better than the constitution. Sorry, please, thank you, greetings impresses me sometimes not always. Innocence is lost, forever i think. Its been replaced by "poise", "manners", "class", "falseness". I think we need to loosen up a bit. Okay...a lot. By saying this I don't mean we shouldn't be civilized at all.
(We need to be civilized too...not to spit everywhere you see a wall,Stay cordial with all human beings,Not to pick up a fight at the drop of a hat, not to bet on the outcome of the fight, help an old lady cross the street, say "excuse me" when you burp...I was crossing the road the othr day and this guy he burped in my ear...THAT was totally disgusting and he didint ever turn around and say sorry!!...amongst a million of other things!)
We just need to "cut some slack, off ourselves". Not talk business everyday 24x7. Mean it when we say chill out. You might be wondering why I'm writing this. Well its been building up and i don't see no reason "why" i shouldnt. I know someone whos put their 8 year old in an etiquette class. Dude, I don't even know how to spell this (God bless the inventor of spellcheck!) .
People are tutoring their children to be robots. Tightassed (sry fr the language) people of tomorrow who havn't seen daylight. I asked a kid if he knew how to play London Statue Stop. He looked at me as if i were speaking gibberish. It wont be long until the day that you ask a kid about hide and seek and they will toss you a biscuit. How many kids do you see in your locality playing out in the evenings. None in mine!! Its only me and my sis and a few friends of mine...when we have the time.

So im just saying...We should take it easy...even if its for a few minutes...go crazy once in a while (without getting high on drugs or alcohol or any such idiocy. A thin line divides innocence and crazy) .
So next time you see a hill roll down from the top, hear how your echo sounds like frm a mountain, when the wind blows let your hair down and feel it, lie down on the grass and steal a glance at the stars ( If you stay in mumbai, you wont see any...but try anyways...), spin so hard and suddenly stop and feel that dizziness tht gives you a high no drug on this planet can, sit on a swing...swing it hard and when its on its maximum swing let go of the swing and "Fly" off and scoop that huge chunk of icing off your uncut birthday cake. Steal whatever spurts of innocent happiness you can cuz however obvious it may seem, you have one life. Enjoy it.

And i never say ANYTHING...Until i mean it!

take care!!


artfulDodger said...

you write well.. read almost all ur posts( i guess thats compliment enuf.. reading so much at one go..) i dnt really have much else to do neways..btw abt the title of ur blog "plights of a confused mind".. dnt u think it is too cliche.. every other blog has some similar title..

Devyani S. said...

Well..thanks fr ur "tareef". I feel so blessed that you took out time from ur "busy schedule" to read my blogs!! Lol...
As fr the title goes, it used to be plights of a confused teenage mind...but i removed "teenage" when i turned 20 ( naa?)
I don't believe in cliches...i started the blog over a year and a half ago. And i didn't even realize ppl have similar titles like mine! But then, everyone has the right to be confused! And one more thing...I don't "follow" trends, i start them!

artfulDodger said...

yeah yeah i know u changed the title of ur bolg.. i went thru ur entire blog.. remember!!..and the bit abt dnt follow trends.. well that is also so cliche.. a very common filmi dialogue.. so i am nt buying that... come up with something better.. :P..u dnt really have to..was just a comment and just having some fun at ur expense (which is nw old news.. hws that??)...
bt concentrate on the imp tareef part.. the rest is as they say "aise hi"..

Devyani S. said...

Oh lord!!
And i told you before i don't believe in cliches!
I think sumthing is a cliche as long as you think it is...Some popular "cliches" would be setting your bluetooth name as "virus", Looking at a pigeon and singing "kabootar ja ja ja...", Eating bread with jam, having fun at somebody Else's etc etc...
And since when have my actions/thoughts become cliches...?? its not my fault ppl are repeating what ive done "They" are just slow..or maybe im too fast fr them. :P
And i hope you do realize, my gratitude to your "tareef" was sarcastic...But im nt saying i didnt need it....
hah!! You've been served!

artfulDodger said...

ahh i never thot that the gradtitude to the tareef was sarcastic... so mean of is some1 whu wrote smthing good, honestly good abt ur writing and u throw it away...i have been beating arnd the bush.. or trying to put it subtly.. bt cant do it anymore.. wat i meant was that u are too 'slow'.... i was trying to suggest, without accusing you that maybe u picked up the title frm somewhr... uff..i hope this is the end of this very interesting, amusing debate... i can indulge u just abt so much..tada!!..

Devyani S. said...

This is so not the end. First of all thanks a lot (Absolutely un-sarcastic) for your "Emosanal atyaachaar", I have mentioned that (ref. to your "tareef") I didnt say i don't need any. So there...
And what good have you written about my blog??Lemme quote, "You write well..." Wow...Im Impressed and im so sorry for trashing your "generous compliments", too is un-sarcastic, Im helping you out here cuz you can't make out when im being sarcastic or otherwise...).
And I do no "pick up" ideas fom anywhere.
And yr hoping tht your comment would be the last of this debate...well my friend, always remember...I always have the last word...