Monday, April 28, 2014

The vote thing I did

It's been a while. And by a while I mean Woah! So what's new? Well for one thing I'm blogging from my phone for the first time! Ayo technology right there yo!! (sorry I've been watching a lot of ¡¡Superwoman¡¡ videos... I may sound a bit street.) And since I'm blogging from my phone I have no clue what autocorrect has been doing with my spellings. All Grammar/Spelling Nazi powers have been revoked.
There was one other thing... Uhhh... Oh yeah.
I voted! Yay!

That has probably been the highlight of this year so far... So you can probably imagine what an awesome year it has been... Not.
Anyhoo I've been very keen about the elections this time. I did my research, watched a lot of debates, drew elaborate charts comparing the cuteness levels of arnab vs rajdeep vs Rahul kanwal. Arnab was not in the running really, but then nothing political cannot not include arnabG. Ideas, ideologies, agendas of the candidates were some things I looked at at a priority basis and I made my desicion. Quite a few of you may know about my choice since I've been quite vocal about the candidate.

Another thing thats being spoken about is Mumbai's low voting turnout. Whose fault is it?
 We faced problems in our area too. The serial number on my voting card had been changed. Since I was quite enthu about the whole voting process, I fortunately  had been tracking our names on the voters list. We still had to run back and forth to different venues because the EC officer "could not find our name on the list". We made a mad dash to the regional voting center and finally dug our names out of a couple of thick books (and no the list was NOT alphabetical. It was according to the serial number... The very thing we were looking for). So far (This is the 3rd time I've voted) we were given tokens that cointained the ever so important serial numbers, by contesting parties so that the process is easier. This time we were conveniently forgotten. A lot of our neighbors names didn't even make it to the voters list. That does tend to happen when you're a small group of people who don't belong the focal vote pool.  Coming back to the question, whose fault it was... I say both the people and the guys in charge. It is the ECs duty to include every eligible voters name (who at least holds a voter id) on the main list. And it is the duty of every eligible voter to check and make sure their name is there. After witnessing the fiasco in Mumbai, I checked for my grandparents's names in the Lucknow voter list and found them missing. Then my grandfather spoke with the local authorities to check their records. 
We need to stop being spoonfed. And the people whose names were missing from the list would maybe account to 5% of the voting public. But what about the rest? I know people who stay out of state but  specially traveled back to Mumbai to vote. And I applaud their sincerity. 
Voting is important. It took me two elections to realize this. And yes... After I voted I posted a finger selfie. Even though my newsfeed was full of snarky comments about people taking finger selfies... Lol. I took a selfie not because I thought it was cool or to rub it in other peoples faces... Because I wanted to send out a message that I did my duty, even though I'm just one person, even though probably my vote may not swing things anywhere, even though voting or not will not change the state of affairs in the country... I took a step. And if you're one of the people who didn't by choice or just could not vote because of the circumstances you were in, no I won't be condescending and apathetic. Just make sure you vote next time... But till then, refrain from criticizing and complaining about the choice that the public makes simply because you were not a part of the decision making process. 
About the results. Well I'm quite open about my "love" towards the Congress lol. I'm not looking forward to see them continue. They have been a little annoying.
Speaking of annoying. Social media has been quite annoying during the elections. Let's say if I'm vocal in my support towards a certain candidate; it does not mean I agree with abso-blooming-lutely everything they say. Or that I think they're the purest people after Buddha to walk the planet. So don't tag me in posts where there is "proof" of their scheming and fooling the public. Or some interview that was "fixed". Or Posts that contain a long rant questioning why would sane people vote for that particular candidate. I know.. I've read enough... If not more than you, then as much as you. And no amount of me "samjhaoing" you will make you understand, then what makes you think I'll change my mind? If you think I'll give up and write "Ohmygod this is the most riveting piece of news ever... I cant vote for this person. Thanksforsavingmylifeandeverything." Not gonna happen. I'm tired of these posts. Please send me cat videos instead. So, thanks. But no thanks. 
Well thats it. Thats all for now.

and how can I forget. 


Shivu said...

aiyo...awesome...agreed with u in totality :)

Devyani S. said...

:) Glad you liked it!

App Development Gurgaon said...

Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!