Monday, August 20, 2012

It's been a while....

It's been a while since I've seen your pretty faces. Really, I've hardly gotten time to breathe with all the new stuff going on with me. But istill I is heres to makes you heppy agains!
So, there are a million things I want to write about right now. I truly have a thousand ideas swimming in my head AND I've started maintaining a notebook where I jot down points about possible blog topics.

So why am I not posting so often?
Well I have this tiny little problem called ME.

As I start typing I have hundreds of voices going on in my head saying if this post would be as good as the last one or what are people going to think or I will never be as good as 'so-and-so' or how lame I sound lahdidah...  And then I lose interest and I drop the idea of posting the blog halfway.

The objective of THIS post is to get over this neurotic, perfection-obsessed brain of mine and say, "There you go, an imperfect- unplanned-impromptu post!". So this ladies and gents, is a huge leap for me. *Applause*. (Heheheh). Really, I have so many wars going on in my head, with my self; It's really hard to produce something that's so in the flow and random. I read other peoples blog and go, "Oh my God, I can never write like that! How do they do that? How do they find the words??!". 

So this post, Is dedicated to the voices in my head.
 Dear Random Voices,
 Kindly shut up & stay out.
I have arrived!

Your's Truly.
D. Singh

From now on, I'm going to add a random note after every blog which has nothing to do with the subject of the blog... which are more like random thoughts in my head. So here goes,

#RandomGyan: I don't really like autobiographies too much. I feel the writers are too full of themselves.

1 comment:

Strange Alien said...

Great jump.. that ways this blog will be more updated ..

great you going ahead with the "shut up and stay away to those voices" ....

Best of Luck...

PS- awaiting the imperfect entries!!