Saturday, September 1, 2012

Great Music to Wake up to

I've always wanted to post something on two things: Food (Soon, I hope...) & Music.
Funny stuff, food & music, is what I'm all about. Really.
So, it's been a long time since I've posted something, and this post has been long overdue- here it is folks: Great Music to Wake Up To.

It is essential one has at least ONE great 'Wake Up' song. Not necessarily 'wake-me-up-in-the-morning', alarm call kind of song. But a song that can also pick you up when you're feeling low. Now, you may agree or disagree; your favorite wake up song may be "Baabul ki duaaen leti jaa" for all I know. So this is my list. I'd love for you to post a few songs that you like to hear when you're low. So, since I have nothing else to write about, here goes:
(The list is random... no specific ranking or preference)

1. CROSSROADS: Eric Clapton

Originally, a song by Robert Johnson, and now made popular by John Mayer, this a great song to start your day with. Bouncy Up-beat tunes make a great song to walk to as well. The best part? It hardly has any lyrics! So it's a great song if you have issues with learning lyrics and stuff.

"I went down to the crossroads, fell down on my knees
Asked the Lord for mercy, I said, help me if you please"

2. DO TO YOU: Bryan Adams

Do To You by Bryan Adams on Grooveshark

Sadly, I couldn't find a YouTube link.  And just FYI Bryan Adams has songs which are better than 'Summer of 69' and 'Everything I do, I do it for you'. Do to you,  is one of them. He's such a talented fellow and it's sad to see that so many people don't know most of his great songs. 
I love the way this song starts, "Da dan dan dan dan dan dan....Here we go!" 
You can't help, but dance. 


Thank you 'Easy A'. This song features in the opening credits of this movie. This upbeat track makes a great running song... I always play it on the loop! An instantaneous mood up-lifter. 

4. SNOW (HEY OH): Red Hot Chili Peppers 

Man, whatte song. One of my favorite songs by RHCP. Even slow-ish songs can make you feel so good, this is the example of just that. I sometimes play this song as my alarm tone. Great way to wake up man. 
"They more I say, The less I know...
The more I try to let it go...Hey Oh".

5. DOG DAYS ARE OVER:  Florence + The Machine  

This song not only lifts you up, but fills you with a surging happiness, well at least it does for me. Not a great alarm song, but a great song to hear when you need inspiration. 
Happiness will hit you like a bullet in the back.. most definitely. I don't know why people would listen to lame-os like Beiber, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus when there are such songs around.
"Can you hear the horses... 'Cuz here they come." 

6. EDGE OF SEVENTEEN: Stevie Nicks

No 'Best Songs' list can be complete without a Stevie Nicks song. This is an iconic song. Sound familiar? The first few strains are used in the popular 'Destiny's Child' song "Bootylicious". Also tis song is in the movie 'School of Rock' {Jack Black asks Joan Cusack out for 'coffee' to a Bar. Joan gets drunk and both of them are seen singing this song}.
Stevie Nicks grainy voice reflect in the lyrics so well. She was going through a tough phase in her life, when she came up with this ... and it all comes together in this epic song. 

"And the days go by like a strand in the windIn the web that is my own I begin againSaid to my friend babyNothin' else mattered"

7. I'M THE ONLY ONE: Melissa Etheridge

They don't make female singers like Melissa Etheridge anymore. This has to be one of my ultimate go to songs when I need a change in my mood. Melissa Etheridge was a recent discovery for me. A lot of lucky people have grown up listening to her. The original version of the song can be found here.

"It's only fear that makes you run 
The demons that you're hiding from 
When all your promises are gone 
I'm the only one"

8. RUMOR HAS IT: Adele

From the first notes of this song, you know Adele means business. This songsnaps me out of my 'Blehness' and gets me going! Adele, you're awesome girl! 

9. SON'S GONNA RISE: Citizen Cope

Makers of the famous song "Let the Drummer Kick it", it's a great song to listen to in the morning. It's got this backstreet, bluesy, laid-back, easygoing style. A great morning song. Also a great driving song. 

10. STITCHED UP: Herbie Hancock Feat. John Mayer

Something that John Mayer is known best for (other than his Womanizer ways)- Blues. 
A guy who knows his stuff- Herbie Hancock. 
THIS is my morning alarm. I don't like being scared to death with someone yelling "DU HAST" when I'm in a deep slumber. So I like being woken up by John Mayer's voice. Some of the lyrics go. :                      

"Who's to say she's single
And who's to say she's on her own
Girls like that don't sleep alone"

So this is ot. Maybe I'll make a part-2 Sometime. But this is my list, just random ones from the top of my head (and iPod). 

A teachers day post will be coming up soon. I loved the last one I wrote, so did lots of other people. You can read it here.

#RandomGyan: I'm happy about not knowing much stuff, cuz then I know how much there is for me to explore. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's been a while....

It's been a while since I've seen your pretty faces. Really, I've hardly gotten time to breathe with all the new stuff going on with me. But istill I is heres to makes you heppy agains!
So, there are a million things I want to write about right now. I truly have a thousand ideas swimming in my head AND I've started maintaining a notebook where I jot down points about possible blog topics.

So why am I not posting so often?
Well I have this tiny little problem called ME.

As I start typing I have hundreds of voices going on in my head saying if this post would be as good as the last one or what are people going to think or I will never be as good as 'so-and-so' or how lame I sound lahdidah...  And then I lose interest and I drop the idea of posting the blog halfway.

The objective of THIS post is to get over this neurotic, perfection-obsessed brain of mine and say, "There you go, an imperfect- unplanned-impromptu post!". So this ladies and gents, is a huge leap for me. *Applause*. (Heheheh). Really, I have so many wars going on in my head, with my self; It's really hard to produce something that's so in the flow and random. I read other peoples blog and go, "Oh my God, I can never write like that! How do they do that? How do they find the words??!". 

So this post, Is dedicated to the voices in my head.
 Dear Random Voices,
 Kindly shut up & stay out.
I have arrived!

Your's Truly.
D. Singh

From now on, I'm going to add a random note after every blog which has nothing to do with the subject of the blog... which are more like random thoughts in my head. So here goes,

#RandomGyan: I don't really like autobiographies too much. I feel the writers are too full of themselves.

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Palabra of Pride... and a Subway Sandwich.

So I woke up a few days ago, with this strange need to eat a sub sandwich. All I could think about was "God, I need to have a sub today". The Subway adverts added to this queer temptation. So it was decided, a veggie delight from Subway for lunch. Final.

It was one of those days, where all you want to do is curl up and indulge in some comfort food, watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S reruns and basically do nothing productive. The day was so 'blehsome'. It was cold. I didn't feel like cooking or reading or even watering the plants. I had thoughts about my life being so sad, useless and pathetic. The only thing that could make it all better was a parmesan-oregano breaded 'Veggie Delight Sub'- slathered with mayonnaise and black pepper yogurt with a dash of mustard and a hint of south-west sauce. Thinking about the sub made me feel so good that I called up our nearest Subway store, a kilometer away from our home, asking them to deliver my sub the way I wanted it.
After what seemed like eternity, but was actually 45 minutes the doorbell rang and a chorus of "Hallelujah" erupted in my head (the happy hallelujah not the Jeff Buckley version). I skipped to the door and there was the Subway guy with my "the-best-thing-that-will-happen-to-me-all-day-awesomesauce" sub. After paying him, I skipped to the kitchen, tore off the wrapping just to find an abysmally thin, not too delightful, sub.

This is supposed to make me feel good about myself? Really?

Curious, I parted the the sandwich open to find no sauce except for a measly dollop of south-west  and a smudge of black pepper yogurt. The absence of veggies in the veggie delight was not pleasing wither. (Is this what you call irony??) All I could see was lettuce, a few tomatoes and a single sorry cucumber slice. No olives, no pickles, no JalapeƱos . I could have gotten a better sandwich at any street side sandwich shop. I was crushed. 

I don't want to sound neurotic or anything, but when you put so much thought, imagination and emotion into a sandwich and it doesn't turn out the way it should,  it is upsetting. And if you're a food lover, it's apocalyptic. 
So I'm sitting in a post-apocalyptic shock with the WMD sandwich (Weapon of Mojo destruction) in my hand. Without giving it too much thought I called up Subway, stating that I was very upset with the sandwich that I was sent. 

Me: I am very upset with the sandwich that I was sent.

Subway: Why? 

Me: There are hardly any veggies and none of the sauces that I asked for. Its not what I wanted.

Subway: We don't put sauces in sandwiches we send for delivery.

Me: WHAT? That's absurd!

Subway: Yes, the sandwich becomes too soggy.

Me (Anger rising): So you'll send me a dry sub?

Subway: It can't be dry.

Me (temper rising): I'm telling you it is....

Subway: "It is" not possible.

Me (Temper off the hook): So will you believe me when I bring the sandwich down to the store and show it to you?

Subway: Yes come anytime you wish.

Me: (Too angry to say anything, I hang up)

Fuming, I start to change out of my PJs to my street clothes. "You chose the wrong person to mess with Sub-boy". You should not pull a  tiger's tail or mess with a hungry girl with a ruined sandwich.
While looking for my wallet, I realized something.  A voice in my head took over. 

 Voice: So what if you go to Subway? You show them the sandwich and they fix it. They put a dollop of mayo and other sauces. Then what? Are you telling me you're going to go all the way to Subway for mayo and mustard?? Is that what you're saying.?

Me: No. I'm going for the olives, jalapenos and pickles as well.

Voice: Its not about the pickles!! Do you have any idea how stupid you'll look? Right now after that phone call. you were the crazy-neurotic-psycho sandwich girl who didn't get enough mayo on her sandwich. When you go there, they'll be able to put a face to that name. 

Me: But if I don't go, they win.

Voice: *Facepalm*

Then I slowed down. Will they laugh at me if I go? Will i come across as crazy?
Voice: Yes you will.
Me: Aah shut up!

It was a matter of pride. I knew the guy at Subway told me to "come anytime you wish" because he thought I won't come all the way down to the store for such a petty issue. Its just sauce after all. 
It all came down to Mayo and Mustard.
And Jalapenos, Olives and Pickles.

I was in a daze contemplating about the issue in hand. And before I knew it. I was at subway.
There was this huge line of people waiting for their subs. And there was me. I stood outside the store for a few moments and then made a dash to the ATM next doors. 
"Ok... lets not fret now.... I want what I want, and I want a decent sandwich!" Keeping my breathing steady and bracing myself I exited the ATM and  entered the store. 

Spotting a guy manning the phones I went up to him and said, "Hi, I just called. I want my sandwich fixed."
Since I'm a good people-face-expression-reader, they guys there were either:
a) Not expecting me to come
b) Ashamed that they thought I would'nt come
c) Had no clue about my sandwich or my call or
d) Were born with bewildered expressions on their faces.

Long story short... (Oops too late!) They PROFUSELY apologized for the trouble they caused. And loaded my sub with all the veggies a poor 6 inch sub could handle. And Oh, there was Mayo and Mustard. Lots of it.

Moral of the story: You want something. Go get it. It doesn't matter how stupid you look in the process, because the end result is delicious. :)
Don't believe me? Well this picture proves it. 

See y'all next time!