Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A few things Ive learnt in life...

I just realized the title of my blog is, "The plights of a confused teenage mind". (I knew that all along, i just remembered it right now...). As right now, I'm 19 years and sum months old old (I was born in December, you do the math...I'm writing a blog n that's more than enough!!) So, I realised that i have a few months left till this 'title' actually makes sense!! (I hope ur calculating fast...I'm running out of time people!!). So here it goes...
Well I'm 19 years old (yup,im makin a big deal out of this!!) and in these 19 years of my life Ive learnt a lot of stuff (A lot of stuff except botany and calculus- never got the hang of it!!). Some of which ive listed below...
1) Whenever your mom tells you "Fine, go on.Do it. It is your life after all." It means "no.dont even think about it.".

2) Even though its really cute, never let a street puppy play on the new carpet in the drawing room. You know its new, he dosent. And the stains never go!!

3)If your comps not working, never fiddle with the wires. You might end up making things worse...

4) Its always good to observe your younger/elder siblings. They make the mistakes and you learn from them.

5) Never wear a yellow and black combo in Mumbai. People might look at you and shout "Taxi!!"

6)Until unless you have to go to Virar, never take a Virar local, even though it looks empty. You might not get off or worse, you wont be allowed to get off.

7)No matter how good you are at it, never play catch with eggs.

8)When you wake up in the morning and you're all groggy and sleepy, check what you are washing your face with. It might be toothpaste!!

9) Just the time you think "No ones looking", turn around and check again!!

10) Never believe your friends (no matter how close) on whatever they say during the first week of April.

11)When your teenage sister looks at the news paper and screams, its NOT because of the rising pollution levels or decrease in tiger population or anything related to global warming. (its because of a picture of David Beckham or Jhonny Depp)

12) Never put rocks in your mouth.

13) If you do put rocks in your mouth, make sure they are rocks!!
14) Trust me, "chaat masala" can really mess up the taste of whatever you are trying to cook sometimes!!

15) If you want a hairstyle like ellen degenres, make sure if you'll look good in it (i tried and ended up looking like mayawati...)

16) Sometimes, its best to keep quiet then to start yappin and making a fool of yourself. Its better to be tagged as 'shy' than 'stupid'.

17) Will Smith is not going to save the world from a Global Warming crisis. Start saving yourself and others...NOW!!

18)There is so much you can learn just by observing people!! This is something ive observed: whenever you se a celeb, the worst thing you can do to attract attention is bang on their car windows. This way to attract unwanted attention - of their bodyguards- as well!!

19) "Hey!! you look just like Britney spears" is no longer considered as a compliment!!

20) When buying wada-pav off the streets, never look how its made, EVEN though it tastes soo good!! (you'll never be able to have another wada pav in your life untill unless you change your attitude or sense of hygiene).

21) This is what i learnt in class 3- a "scholarship" is not a Boat filled with students!!

22) A plate branded as 'unbreakable' will break if you try to break it. So to avoid all the ruckus that will eventually follow...dont try it in the first place!!

23)After breaking a plate or any kind of glassware saying,"Breaking glass is considered to be a good omen" sounds very lame and will not please your mom.

24)Smiling does not get you out of trouble all the time. It makes you look even more stupid, if possible.

25) Its no use ordering a diet coke with a Maharaja Mac and fries...

Will keep on adding stuff as I keep on remembering...

Readers, if any, are free to give inputs!!!
Untill next time...!!