Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Just one of those times...

You know the time when your mind totally agrees with your heart? It doesn't happen to often. It doesn't stay so for too long. (My) Mind and Heart come up with a plan. The plan is simple: Be fearless.
I read it on a friends's blog a while ago. And now, it doesn't seem like a bad idea.

I'm done with thinking about consequences. I mean, when is the last time consequences have thought about me? (Okay, bad one.) But really, now is the time to suck it in. Take a chance and trust myself. I realize fear is what has kept me back and this is a situation that is no longer acceptable to me anymore. Things need some adjustment around me and the time is now.

For a change Mind & Heart are on the same side... Mine! And i feel like someone reassuringly sitting on my shoulder saying, it's alright bud... you tried! And y'know what? It feels good.
Papon playing in the background... saying "Iss dil ka kyaa karun...(Trans: What should I do with this heart of mine)" (Barfi, 2012). Mind is blissfully calm.

I'm at 25 years and 10 days. Damn, I'm getting old!

P.S: My friends blog is called 'Musing's of an Art Student'  http://musingsofanartsstudent.com 
Do say Hi, if you drop by, she'll love it :)

Peace Out!