Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Birthday Blog.

I started this blog when i was 18 years old. Tomorrow, I turn 23.

(And, yes.... this time I did the math.)

So, you may think how freaked out, shit-scared I am about growing up and all. I'm saying that because most of my posts are about the perils of grown up life and growing up in itself. Well, the thing is, when I was little I had this thing I believed in till quite a long time. Till I was 11 actually.
I always thought people never grow up. Parents are born parents and their purpose in life is to take care of their kids. Children remain children forever and go to school forever. 12th...13th...14th....500th grade. Yeah. Lame... I know.
The 'real deal' came as a rude shock for me. All my plans, ideas, my entire perception about life itself just fell through the roof. Out the window. Across the yard. Beyond the horizon. You get my point don't you?
So, these posts I write are mostly for myself (and my 4-5 followers) to constantly reassure myself to hang in there and calm down. I'm acting like my own counselor. And I think it works sometimes.  [Okay, now you think I'm a crazy person. Perfect.]

So yeah, tomorrow is my birthday. It used to be such a big deal when I was in school. New clothes, sweets for the class and teachers, party in the evening at home, the Black-forest cake from Upper Crust, kids from around the block, playing hide and seek at night. Now I'm sitting at home, next to my parents, watching "Bade Acchey Lagte Hai" and writing my blog. (Ram Kapoor and his on screen wife are in Australia by the way,Still haven't seen one decent authentic Australian this entire week!)  
Our teachers used to ask us to make a birthday resolutions. I remember my resolutions would always be related to studies or scoring more marks. I never really made a 'special' effort to study, so all that went waste. My resolutions now are more like to do lists.

"I resolve to buy a bar of dark chocolate tomorrow"
"I resolve to eat no more lauki this week"
"I resolve to watch at least two episodes of Grey's Anatomy tomorrow"

Okay, maybe these aren't your conventional resolutions. But they work!  And then I don't have to go about saying "Resolutions are meant to be broken" ladidah.
So my resolutions are:
1. No more Ice cream, only Frozen Yogurt. Doesn't matter if buying it will burn a hole of the size of Cambodia in my wallet every time.
2. Cut down on my laptop time. Nah. Scratch that.
3. Exercise more regularly Now that dance classes are over, need to pay attention on that.
4. Clean out closet.
5. Study.
6. Work on the above points after new years.
Done. Phew.

So imma go sleep. Last bit of maturity can just take a hike.
Peace out peeps!

*An interesting thing that happened today at breakfast*
Dad, Rati and I at the dining table discussing birthdays.
Me: I've stopped being excited about birthdays altogether. I'm growing old.
Rati: Me too yaar. Not so appealing anymore. What about you dad? What did you do when you were   young?
Dad: We never had this concept of celebrating stuff except for festivals. I remember we used to get channas in school on my birthday (Children's Day). I started celebrating birthdays and wedding anniversaries only after your mom and i got married.
Rati: Thank God. 'Cuz celebrating your wedding anniversary in your childhood would've been really weird.
Dad: *mental face-palm*

Okay. Had you been there, It would've been funnier.
LAUGH. I order you to. Birthday rules!!