Friday, July 8, 2011

Growing up and all that jazz.

If you ask me, out of the blue, anytime how old I am, It'll take me a few minutes to answer. Its something involuntary. It's like I'm not just telling you how old I am, I'm realizing that fact too.
Something like-
XYZ: So, how old are you?
Me (Thinking....thinking....Realizes): 22....OH SHIT...I'm 22!!

Till a few weeks ago, I don't know why... but I was under the impression I was 21 and was turning 22 this year. So, my friend actually made me do the math. In an instant I had lost an entire year of my life and I had NO clue about it.
Stupid?? Yeah.
The once wise Meredith Grey (in her saner days) said, " We're Adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop?". I hear you Meredith. And i have no clue either. So, you can go on having fun with McDreamy, while I ponder over this one.

Its funny, because when we're kids our sole
aim in life was to grow up. "You wait till I grow up... "would be my favorite phrase. It'd be followed by stuff like, "..I'll vote for good people" or "...I'm gonna buy my own Dog, Mom." or "I'll pay for these broken plates, Dad!" or "I'm not gonna study anymore!" blah blah blah. I'd imagine adulthood to be sheer awesomeness. I'd have this golden aura around me and people would call me "the wise one". I imagined I'd have my own car. When people would ask me what I wanted to do when I grew up, I said, "I want to smoke!".

Its said when you turn 18, you're an adult, because you can get married and do 'big people' stuff. But 16 in the new 18 and 18 is the new 25, so I'm really lost with all the age thing. And if people were to give me any major decisions to make when I was 18, boy would everyone be screwed because I was a terrible 18 year old! The one thing i knew to do right was to look smart and stay quiet.
Now I'm a grown up (or that's what people like to believe). I still take my parents advise, I still break cutlery. I have no idea who I voted for (In my defense, I got my voters ID an hour before I had to go and vote, during the last elections), I highly disapprove of smoking , I've got my masters degree and I wan't nothing more in life but to study!

I've come to believe that we never grow up. There's no specific point in your life where a person will jump out of the crowd and say, "You're an adult! Congratulations!!" We just keep on changing. Its a dynamic thing. Evolution is the word, but at a more mental than physical level. (Don't freak out, we are not changing into apes again, though apes might be getting smarter than us!).
In our process of mental or spiritual evolution, we wish for a few things, we realize a few things and we are thankful for a few things that did or even did not happen.
Meta-physically speaking and according to quantum
physics, we are like particulates ....woah...okay, I'm just kidding :P None of that stuff. I have no clue about that. But you get what I'm trying to say, yeah?
But this thing, well it sucks.
And after reading this post, if your expression is like any of the following- ive got something to say to you:
(Left to right:)

1. The "I"- So you already knew what I'm talking about? Good for you.
2. The "The umm...what was this"? - Stop making that face. You look like Hannibal. And you'd want to check the title of the blog again.
3. The "Oh, i'll read it after my snooze"- Good Night. Thanks for sleeping on my blog.
4. The "Okkkkay. Next!"- Just go. Ugh.
5. The "OMG!! She's so awesome, i'm gonna cry."- Dude, Get a grip.

If your expression is not available on the list. kindly send me a photo and I'll get back to you asap.
How grown up is that?